Alwin E. Wagener, PhD
PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling- Western Carolina University
BA in Philosophy- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Licensed Professional Counselor in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Board Certified as a National Certified Counselor (NCC) through the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC)
Dr. Alwin E. Wagener is a Professional Counselor and Counselor Educator who specializes in Dreamwork. He researches dreams and nightmares, teaches dreamwork, and conducts counseling and consultations focused on using dreams to support mental health and well-being.
Dr. Wagener created the Embodied Cognition Theory of Dreamwork, published in the International Journal of Dream Research, which outlines how dreams prepare us for our waking lives. This theory provides a foundation for dreamwork, guiding therapists in gaining insight and promoting healing through dream-based interventions. Working with a colleague, he developed Culturally Responsive Dreamwork, an approach that centers clients' dream beliefs in the dreamwork process. Additionally, he generated and has been sharing recommendations for the ethical use of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy and Dreamwork, supporting therapists in working with diverse populations effectively and respectfully.
When Dr. Wagener is not teaching, counseling, consulting, or researching, he is spending time with his friends and family, enjoying their company and exploring nature.
Licenses and Certification


Refereed Publications
Wagener, A. E., & Young, J. S. (2024). Culturally responsive dreamwork: Facilitating culturally competent dream discussions. Dreaming. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/drm0000300
Wagener, A. E., & Young, J. S. (In Press). Nightmare Relief: Implementing Imagery Rehearsal Therapy in Counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling.
Wagener, A. E., (2023). The embodied cognition theory of dreaming: A proposal for how dreams prepare individuals for waking life. International Journal of Dream Research. 16(1). 35-39. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2023.1.90586
Wagener, A. E. (2023). The proportional experience of dream types in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder and insomnia among survivors of intimate partner violence. Dreaming. 33(3), 275–291. https://doi.org/10.1037/drm0000227
Wagener, A. E. (2019). Why the nightmares? Repeating nightmares among intimate partner violence survivors. International Journal of Dream Research, 12, 14-22. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2019.2.60489
Wagener, A. E., Jones, L. K., & Hinkle, J. S. (2019). The mental health facilitator program: A multi-country evaluation of knowledge and skills acquisition. The Professional Counselor, 9, 324-333. doi:10.15241/aew.9.4.324
Wagener, A. E. (2017). Metaphor in professional counseling. The Professional Counselor, 7, 144–154. http://doi.org/10.15241/aew.7.2.144
Cashwell, C. S., Young, J. S., Tangen, J. L., Pope, A. L., Wagener, A. E., Sylvestro, H., & Henson, R. A. (2016). Who is this god of whom you speak? Counseling students’ concept of god. Counseling and Values, 61, 159-175. doi: 10.1002/cvj.12035
Book Chapters
Benshoff, J. M., & Wagener, A. E., (2018). Online processing in teaching. In J. M. Benshoff & P. C. Rowell (Eds.), Processing the Process: Art, Skills, and Applications in Counseling and Counselor Education. Austin, TX: Sentia Publishing.
Benshoff, J. M., & Wagener, A. E., (2018). Using process in the classroom. In J. M. Benshoff & P. C. Rowell (Eds.), Processing the Process: Art, Skills, and Applications in Counseling and Counselor Education. Austin, TX: Sentia Publishing.
Wagener, A. E. (2014). An imposition of values? In Herlihy, B. and Corey, G. (Eds.) ACA Ethical Standards Casebook (7th Ed.) (pp. 268-271). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Jansel, E. A., Panc, I., Caeiro, R. C., & Wagener, A. E., (2017) Career development: A workbook for practitioners. A. Szilagyi (Ed.). Piccadilly, London: Chiado Publishing.
Jansel, E. A., Panc, I., Caeiro, R. C., & Wagener, A. E., (2017) Career development: A handbook for practitioners. A. Szilagyi (Ed.). Piccadilly, London: Chiado Publishing.
Reviews and Commentary
Wagener, A. E. (2021). Book review: Imagination and Adolescent Trauma: The Role of Imagination in Neurophysiological, Psychological, and Spiritual Healing. International Journal of Dream Research. 14(1), 179-181. doi: 10.11588/ijodr.2021.1.80023
Wagener, A. E. (2017). Book review: Metaphor in practice. The Professional Counselor. Retrieved from http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org/book-review-metaphor-in-practice-a-professionals-guide-to-using-the-science-of-language-in-psychotherapy-by-niklas-torneke/
Professional Presentations
Wagener, A. E. (September 2024). Dreamwork as Cultural Dialogue: Enriching Counseling Practice. One hour presentation. North Atlantic Region for Counselor Education and Supervision, Regional Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Wagener, A. E. (June 2024). The Embodied Cognition Theory of Dreaming and Metaphor Transformation in Posttraumatic Dreaming. Research Symposium Presentation. International Association for the Study of Dreams, International Conference, Rolduc, Netherlands.
Wagener, A. E. (June 2024). Making Dreamwork Inclusive: Culturally Responsive Dreamwork. One hour workshop. International Association for the Study of Dreams, International Conference, Rolduc, Netherlands
Wagener, A. E. & Young, J. S. (May 2024). Culturally Responsive Dreamwork- A Humanistic Approach to Increasing Inner Awareness. Association for Humanistic Counseling, National Conference, Online.
Wagener, A. E. (May 2024). The Humanistic Counseling Implications of the Embodied Cognition Theory of Dreaming. Association for Humanistic Counseling, National Conference, Online.Wagener, A. E. (June 2023). How Dreams Prepare Individuals for Waking Life: The Embodied Cognition Theory of Dreaming. Theory Symposium Presentation. International Association for the Study of Dreams, International Conference, Asheland, Oregon
Wagener, A. E., Harrington, E., Phelan, J. E., Kim, D. (November 2022). Interprofessional Case Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Developing Counselor Identity. Poster Presentation. Interprofessional Education Collaborative 2022 Virtual Poster Fair.
Wagener, A. E., Young, J. S. (July 2022). Dreamwork Made Easy: The Practical Dreamwork Model for Clinical Supervision. Approved Clinical Supervisor Online Training Module. Serve Inc.
Wagener, A. E. (June 2022). Teaching Supervision to Masters Level Counselors. Online Poster Presentation, with online poster, 5-minute video, and online meeting room. The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, Hybrid Conference, Washington D.C.
Conklin, T., Wagener, A. E., Harrington, E. C. (October 2021). Interprofessional Case Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Developing Counselor Identity. 50-minute presentation. The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, 2021 National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Wagener, A. E., Young, J. S. (October 2021). Dreamwork Made Easy: The Practical Dreamwork Model. Poster Presentation. The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, 2021 National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Wagener, A. E., Young, J. S. (2021). Finding the Person Through Dreams. 50-minute presentation. Association for Humanistic Counseling National Conference, Online Conference.
Wagener, A. E. (2021). A New Lens on Dreams and Nightmares. 90-minute research symposium presentation. International Association for the Study of Dreams, International Conference, Online Conference.
Wagener, A. E. (2021).Prompting Creative Clinical Thinking Using the Supervisee’s Metaphor Intervention. Online Poster Presentation, with online poster, 5-minute video, and online meeting room. The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, Online Conference.
Wagener, A. E. (2018). Understanding Client Dreams and Nightmares: New Research Findings and Counseling Approaches. Poster. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Myrtle Beach, SC
Wagener, A. E., Young, J. S. (2018). The Power of Dream Work in Counseling. 1.5 hour workshop. American Counseling Association, National Conference, Atlanta, GA
Wagener, A. E. (2016). Training Counselors to Work in Integrated Care Medical Clinics. 50 minute presentation.Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, New Orleans, LA
Wagener, A. E. (2016). Dreamwork in the Classroom: Facilitating the Experiential Connection Between Theory and Application. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, New Orleans, LA
Wagener, A. E. (2015). Investigating Posttraumatic Nightmares in Counseling: A Critical Lens for Understanding Client Experience and Treating Trauma Survivors. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, National Conference, Philadelphia, PA